This is the most bizarre Easter to date for, what I am assuming, most of us. Easter for us is usually discovering what the Easter bunny left the night before followed by getting dressed up and going to church. Then we come home for a big brunch where I pester everyone to get family pictures done. Usually it’s my sister, brother in law, nephews and mom for this part. Then we group up with Russell’s parents and sister for Easter dinner, but first its always Grandmom’s egg hunt in the front yard. And of course more pestering by me to get more family portraits:) This year we actually had a really nice day, but I missed the pestering, the hugging, the kissing…I missed our family. We will get through this I know, but no matter how nice of a day we had there is no replacing family. Much love to you all, I hope you are safe and loved! Here are a few portraits I snuck in with a little help from my neighbor Kim to get one with all of us (thanks Kim!).
